Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Here I come!

Hello poor saps out there. I'm about to come into power. Watch out! I have no clue as to what I'm really doing. However, I plan to spend as much of your money as I can print up. Causing extreme inflation and probable economic collapse by the end of my first term. Then after I blame Bush 41 and 43 for all of that I will really take control of the entire economy ala the old USSR. Collectivism, here we come! I might even make Arabic our second official language as I plan to make it official and convert to Islam by 2011 to make our enemies love us again. Stay tuned to this blog to get periodic updates on how I plan to totally Fuck up the United States, my adopted home country following Kenya and Indonesia of course!


  1. Damn right! Totally in agreement. Let's spend the next 4 years doing nothing but catering to minorities and pumping our chests about how finally a black man is running (ruining) the USA. I live in Canada, and I feel sorry for y'all down there in the States. Hope to read more of your insightful posts!

  2. Mr Czechmate- Thank you for your kind words.

    Many are saying that I really am not a true African American. My mother who raised me was white and my African side isn't descended from slaves so I'm not a legitimately African American
